I would like to introduce you to the L Company Rangers Fallen Heroes Foundation. I will begin this by sharing with you the story of Louie Distretti. I had the privilege of serving with Louie as an Airborne Ranger with L Company 75th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam during 1970-1971. L Company was formed in 1969 as part of the Army’s consolidation of all Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) units into the 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger). We trace our lineage back to Merrill’s Marauders, the U.S. Army’s long-range penetration special operations jungle warfare unit which fought in Southeast Asia during WWII. The unit became famous for its deep-penetration missions behind Japanese lines, often engaging Japanese forces superior in number. L Company Rangers in Vietnam patrolled deep in enemy held territory acting as the eyes and ears of the 101st Airborne Division. As a Ranger, Louie was the Assistant Team Leader (ATL) in a 6-man team operating in the Ashau Valley and surrounding mountain ranges. He was involved in long-range reconnaissance patrols, hospital and bunker raids, ambushes, and other missions at the Team, Platoon and Company level. He was described as an ice cube in a firefight: calm, cool and professional. He was tough and fearless. He was short but powerful, with the wide stance and strong hands that served him well later as a champion weight lifter.
He returned to his Memphis hometown after the war to raise a family and become a firefighter. It seems that he decided that after overcoming the perils of war, he would slow things down a little bit by running into burning buildings instead. On one occasion while fighting a house fire he fell through the floor and injured his shoulder. Rehabilitation from the injury led him to power lifting in the 165 lb weight class in the World Police and Fire Games. He retired as a Battalion Chief after 39 years of service. Luigi, however, was not done with service to his family, his community and his country. He returned to military service with the Air National Guard as a loadmaster. Following 9/11 he served during Desert Storm and the Iraq War where he completed 23 years of service.
He was married to his beloved wife, Kathy, for 49 years. Papa Luigi was a dedicated and loving family man who delighted in his family and grandchildren who were his pride and joy. Louie maintained close ties with grade school and high school friends, with his Army Ranger brothers, with his golfing buddies, with his fellow firemen, and with his Air National Guard friends. His integrity, honesty, loyalty, and love of family and country were unquestionable. In short, Louie was a true patriot who vigorously defended the rights and freedoms of all people to express their beliefs even if he disagreed with them. He embodies and represents the best qualities in an Army Airborne Ranger, and it is for this reason that we chose him as the face of our L Company Rangers Fallen Heroes Foundation.
The Vietnam War was very unpopular at home and many of our Ranger brothers returned to insults, hatred and isolation. All suffered from PTSD and many dealt with serious combat injuries. Some became POW’s and did not return until years later. Some never returned. Some were able to overcome these obstacles, others struggled and are still struggling. The mission of the L Company Rangers Fallen Heroes Foundation is to provide the means for any disadvantaged Ranger veteran and their immediate families to be able to live in a dignified manner as befits one who was willing to sacrifice all in the service of their country and their fellow man. Our goal is to provide for any Ranger families that have any kind of needs not covered by the Veterans Administration (VA), or any other local, state or federal organization. This includes medical, rehabilitation and therapeutic expenses, equipment, transportation and food expenses, household needs and other expenses. In addition, the L Company Rangers Fallen Heroes Foundation helps organize and facilitate an L Company reunion every two years so this Ranger band of brothers can come together to bond and provide support to one another. The mental and emotional benefit of these reunions to veterans and families is incalculable.
We as a nation failed our Vietnam combat veterans in the 1970’s, but the good news is we are now able to show them our gratitude and honor their sacrifice by making a generous donation to this foundation. I thank you in advance for your support and contributions.
Al Parada
L Company Rangers Fallen Heroes Foundation